
Thursday, August 15, 2019

Commenting learn how to comment on other peoples work
This week for commenting I commented on Shinaye about her swimming lessons.First I read what she wrote and then went on commenting and writ about what she did and had to write what I thought about her work.

Basic facts boxes remember basic maths facts
This week for basic facts I was learning about addition.When you get it right it will say good if you get it wrong it will say wrong it will say plus and a number to add it.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Lever learn about levers
This week for inquiry we were learning about levers and how it works we gave it a go with materials from around the class.Then we had to write the definition about a lever and had to draw one with shapes it is more easy if you use a lever because gets more lighter.

Ratios Fractions learn ratios fractions and games
This week for maths my group was doing ratio fractions for our tutorial.For a ratio tutorial you have to put in two slides with three equations in it and put on the side need help to help them with the correct answer in the need help slide you have to put in example. On the last equation you have to put in complete tutorial if they get the question wrong it will say incorrect if you get it right it will say correct.

Ihumatao identify the words from a text
This week for reading we were clicking on links and reading their situations and then write our point of view and our thoughts about the article.So there was articles about the prime minister and houses made from Fletcher and other important news.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

SSR selfie summarise and retellThis week for SSR selfie I choose a book about our ocean and the things that live in it.The book has facts inside of it about sea creatures on the slide we had to find new words in the book than we had to find three facts from the book.

Kiwi Can learn about self control and discipline

For our first activity we had to get in to partners and get a cone and put it in the middle of each other and our kiwi can teacher yelled out heads shoulder knees and toes and squat at the same time and when he said toes and then each partner had to race down to get the cone if the partners touch the cone at the same time they have to do rock paper scissors shot.

For our activity we got in to a group one to four and then got a note to act out we got five minutes to practise and then we had to act it out in front of the class and we had to put in self control in our act.

{Catch Phrase}
Kiwi can says control your self don,t shout kiwi can over and out.